5 Ideas on how to make your behaviour change at work more sustainable

This post offers you some easy-to-implement ideas on what you can do to make your behaviour change more sustainable and how others can help you.

Were you one of the many drawing up New Year’s resolutions a month ago ?

Where are they now ?

Somewhere on a piece of scrap paper in the bottom of your drawer ?

There’s more to resolutions than making a list of what you would like to change.

Change is a process that requires effort.

Changing your ways is changing behaviour.

Behaviour is deeply ingrained in what we have done for such a long time we can’t even remember how it all started.

It is a power greater than ourselves at times.

And that is exactly why behaviour change is so tough.

Here are 5 ideas on how to make your behaviour change sustainable :

What you can do….

  • Make yourself accountable by sharing your desired behaviour change or resolutions with at least one person or several people you trust.
  • Ask support from others and get them to inquire regularly on how you’re getting on with the behaviour change. Tell them how they can encourage you and what support is most useful to you. People like to help. They simply can’t always figure out what kind of help is most beneficial to you. Just let them know.

How professionals can help you…

  • Book some coaching to understand the pattern of your behaviour. Self-awareness is the foundation of behaviour change. Increasing your self-awareness will help you find the motivation to break the pattern. It’s not until we are truly motivated that we have the courage to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zone.
  • Find yourself a personal development or a leadership course to help you achieve the behaviour change you are looking for. And when you return from the course, start again with number one of this list to make sure you implement the learning from the course.

And most importantly…

  • Congratulate yourself with every little step towards the desired behaviour change. Make a list of how you will reward yourself and work towards your personal bonus plan. A treat is awaiting you if you’re a good boy or girl. It helps. Really ! Try it out ! Children will agree.

Coaching and personal development will compress the change curve and will help you make behaviour change sustainable.

Otherwise it’s just a passing fad. Another list of new year’s resolutions to the bin…

Break the pattern

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